About G2 Digital

Discover more about G2 Digital and our approach.

Why G2 Digital?

Custom Build

Our origins are rooted in video and digital media and we have successfully helped customers in this space develop bespoke appliances to host specific workloads or software. This expertise is growing all the time and we now regularly create bespoke applications for a variety of Independent Software Vendors across a broad range of industries who require reliable, high quality hardware to host their technology.

Made in the UK

It’s really important for us to be able to say we’re made in the UK. That means everything – design, manufacturing and support. Likewise, we work tirelessly to ensure that wherever possible our own supply chain is comprised of UK companies too.

First-class support

All of our products come with a one, two or three year return to base warranty. We pride ourselves on the quality of the products we ship but in the event you encounter a problem our response is always about speed and satisfaction. We’re not robots, which means we don’t do try and tick boxes or sucker you with the company policy – we treat every case on its own merit to ensure the best possible outcome for our customers.

Why Choose G2 Digital

Responsive Support

Always here when you need us, our friendly, accessible team offers fast in-house technical support and expert product advice.

Quality Certified

Independently certified by the British Assessment Bureau, quality is a fundamental principal our products and our company are built on.

Impressive Lead Times

Manufacturing in the UK means lead times for delivery can be just a few days. We also adopt a pragmatic approach to returns striving to complete returns within 72 hours.