We can ship DAP (DHL), we will require your EORI# and on import you will have to pay VAT/TAX set by your local tax authority. Duties are 0% on these goods and there will be a small handling charge DHL will make (usually about £13). The tax element can be claimed back so the actual cost is simply the handling charge DHL make.

For customers who don’t do a lot of importing we do have a DDP option which means the goods arrive at your premises and you don’t have to do or pay anything. However, the goods have to travel by direct road freight which does take a little longer but also costs a lot more. We would need to get a quote for each shipment made this way.

The DAP route is far cheaper and if you do import already it’s quite straight forward. But DDP is easier, just expensive if you’re shipping small quantities, on larger quantities is works out just as cost effective as DAP.