The World’s Smallest 10GbE Ethernet Adapter

M.2 is a form-factor that was primarily designed for solid-state drives, using both SATA and PCIe standards to support a wide range of disks. Innodisk has recently launched a M.2 10GbE network card, the first of its kind leveraging M.2s PCIe interface to offer a 10GbE connectivity in a compact package.   Find out which of G2’s range of Mini PCs and rack-mounted workstations can benefit from this new option. 

What Are Ethernet Adapters?

Commonly known as Network Interface Cards (NIC), an ethernet adapter is a card that plugs into a slot on the motherboard, enabling computers to access networks. Laptops and PCs have built-in controllers on the motherboards but sometimes you will need to add an adapter to allow for more simultaneous connections or to support a greater bandwidth or speed. 

What Does This Mean For G2?

Using these new adapters G2 is now able to offer 10GbE networking in our NUC and Bantam. A traditional 1 GbE LAN can often no longer fulfil the required transfer rates in certain industries. Now the door is open to use G2’s more compact chassis for jobs that previously would require full-size rack PCs.

Bespoke Rack-Mounted Workstations And MINI PC’s – G2 Digital 

Interested in keeping up to date with the latest industry news? G2 Digital is here for you. Our expert team can build you a bespoke system, ideal for those looking for rack-mounted workstations. Find out more by getting in touch with the experts on 01252 711 114. We would be more than happy to talk you through any queries you may have.